
Contrail avoidance: aviation’s climate opportunity of the decade

Understanding Contrail Management: Opportunities, Challenges, and Insights

Consortium Seeks EU Funding For Large-Scale Contrails Trial

Curbing Contrails: A Climate Solution in the Skies

Global airlines group to boost focus on non-CO2 emissions

What can be done to cut carbon emissions from aircraft contrails?

Contrails are a problem for aviation – but there could be an easy solution

Major airlines are teaming up to tackle planet-warming plane contrails

”Contrails have been the elephant in the room for the aviation sector for decades.”

— Andrew Chen, Rocky Mountain Institute

“It’s a really, really quick way that the aviation industry could address its impact on the climate.”

— Marc Stettler, Imperial College of London

“Much of the focus on climate within the aviation field is understandably on carbon, but contrail avoidance has the potential to greatly reduce the environmental impact of air travel quickly and at low cost.”

— Steven Barrett, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“We know of no comparable climate investment with a similarly high likelihood of success.”

— Ken Caldeira, Carnegie Institution for Science, & Ian McKay, Orca Sciences